Our CASLOE, CASLOE-CS and EASLOE projects involve developing a Virtual Sustainability Expo, applications for Phase 3 are now open!
Through this Virtual Expo and an associated webinar programmes, companies, individuals, and organisations from sectors such as green energy, fashion, sustainable development, design, environmental science, engineering, construction, architecture, technology, law, finance, media, art and visualisation, transport and logistics, agriculture, education, politics, and design will be able to share with young people, both the work they are doing to combat the climate and ecological challenges humanity faces and an insight into the exciting careers and progression opportunities that are available in this important and expanding area.
The Expo will be available 24:7 throughout the year for young people to visit.
4wardFutures will also use the Expo arena to deliver a range of events and several of their projects in collaboration with industry and university partners.
Interested in being an Exhibitor?
Each exhibitor at the Expo can have one stand at no charge.
Each stand can have:
· 1 Logo
· 1 Narrow Banner - he banner image will pop up when clicked on
· 1 Leaflet Stand - with up to 9 leaflets, downloaded by clicking on individual leaflets images.
· 1 Video Monitor - exhibitors’ videos will be displayed when the monitor screen is clicked on.
· 4 Large Images - these will be displayed as posters on the display panels
· Social media and website links