Visitors will be able to explore the Expo through a Google maps style navigation system.
The Virtual Space Futures Careers Expo venue will have seven main areas:
Arrival Area
In the arrival area there will be a range of 3D models of rockets, launch systems and larger space related technology displayed.
Expo Reception
Dome 1 - ESERO UK
The entrance area hosts 6 virtual portals:
Mezzanine Exhibition Area
Expo Station - Exhibitor Hall
Virtual Mars Gallery
Auditorium (Webinars)
International Space Station (ISS) Breakout Challenge
Expo Hall 2, 4wardFutures Charity Showcase - Arriving in October
Space Webinar Programme
In the lead up to and during the Expo, 4wardFutures are hosting a series of webinars which will provides young people with the opportunity to explore the career opportunities that are flourishing across the space sector.