The Eyes to the Sky project introduced young people to the work STFC researchers are undertaking to answer the questions of "How did the universe begin?” and “What is in outer space?”
Through Eyes to the Sky 4wardFutures have:
· Engage directly with 240 learners aged 8 to 12
· Develop a programme of workshops based on a hybrid model of live classroom and online webinar - based delivery
· Develop a set of four AR-based resources and a virtual deep space environment where young people can find out about the work STFC researchers are doing with Big Telescopes to answer these questions
· Set the challenge to create art-based visualisations of What is in outer space?
· Create a Virtual Art gallery that will showcase the learners’ work: https://4fvirtual.org.uk/eyestothesky/
Feedback relating to learning about science and meeting astronomers:
‘I learned things I did not know about telescopes, and I want to know more about space; It made me feel like I was a scientist. It was brilliant, I am going to go to university and study space and be a space scientist; I like science and space and it made me like it even more.’ Various Learners
“The project has really supported the children in my class to think about space in a new way. They are engrossed in what lies beyond our Solar system and how this links to their futures.” Jordan Yr. 5 Teacher
‘I loved how we have had people coming in to explain things to us; I loved meeting the astronomers and finding out about their work; I really liked it at the end when we could show the astronomers our work; I enjoyed lots of things especially talking to astronomers and learning about different solar systems.’ Various Learners
“My class really enjoyed the sessions and the project - meeting scientists virtually and face-to-face was really impactful and powerful for the children and inspired them.” Charlotte Yr. 6 Teacher
Feedback relating to the positive impact of giving learners creative agency in their engagement with science:
‘Embracing creativity and exploring idea of deep space was really exciting; I really liked how we could draw and paint our ideas and then see them in the gallery; I enjoyed presenting our newspaper report on finding new galaxies to the visitors; I enjoyed the facts and learning them as well as drawing and making the newspaper - everything; This project is one of the best and most fun projects that I have been involved in; I think more kids should have this experience as it was amazing.’ Various Learners
“It has been amazing to see the Eyes to the Sky create so much enthusiasm and energy for the learners. The Eyes to the Sky team have created a buzz and I have enjoyed hearing the children tell me facts that they have discovered and what they plan to do in their creative projects.” Mrs Hills, Yr.5 Teacher
“This was a fantastic project, which the children really enjoyed. As a teacher, it was brilliant to see the children in my class inspired by the creative activities and the project and it was amazing to see how much knowledge they learned.” Matthew Yr.6 Teacher