Engineering a Sustainable Energy Supply (EaSES)
The first delivery of the Engineering a Sustainable Energy Supply (EASES) project has now been completed.
It provided engineers from across the engineering sector with the training and support required to develop and deliver inspiring and engaging workshops to introduce young people aged 8 to 11 to the work they are doing to develop a sustainable energy generation and supply system – a resource that has never been higher on the national and international agenda. The project has been very successful with engaging young people, teachers and engineers, $wardFutures is now seeking further funding to expand the project.
Funded by the Royal Academy of Engineering Ingenious Awards, “an awards scheme that supports and funds the most creative and impactful projects that engage the public with engineers and engineering.”
Engineers were given the support they needed to develop their confidence and skills to allow them to share
their passion, engineering knowledge and the journey they have followed in becoming an engineer in a way
that inspired young people to want to follow a career in engineering.
Following a series of live and on-line training workshops, the engineers co-create projects with members of
the 4wardFutures (4FC) team to inform and inspire young people from groups that are currently
underrepresented in engineering, including the huge part engineers are playing in the creation, development
and maintenance of diverse sustainable energy systems, whilst minimising the environmental impacts
associated with previous energy systems. They were be able to show how this work is paramount to the
security, natural environment and economic well-being of our country.
Young people gained insight into the impact of this work, the technologies the engineers are using and
developing, and have a greater understanding of the career opportunities across the sector – their applications, personal benefits and the positive impacts on the environment and society.